Bios & Services Offered by Practitioner:
Founder of Thee Tree House
The Center for Conscious Community
Cathy Foytik, LISW-S
Catherine E. Foytik, LISW-S (Holistic & Transpersonal Psychotherapist,) CRMP, CRM, ACHT, CPTL, ORDM received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Social Work from Cleveland State University. She attended the Institute of Holistic Health Careers and received education and experiential training through The Wellness Institute since 2012. In February of 2021, Catherine completed a doctorate level curriculum in Transpersonal Psychology through The Wellness Institute. She is a Certified Relaxation Massage Practitioner (CRMP), Certified Reiki Master (CRM), Certified Advanced Clinical Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist (ACHT), Certified Personal Transformation Leader (CPTL) and Certified Ordained Minister (ORDM) through the Universal Life Church. Trained and experienced in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal & Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal & Spiritual Breathwork, Hypnodrama, Energetic Psychodrama, Subtle Energy, The Bardo (The Tibetan Book of the Dead ceremony for individuals and their families preparing for end of life transition), Active Imagination, Dream Analysis, Jungian Tarot readings, Intuitive Tarot, shadow work, intuitive healing and readings, inner child healing, sound healing, meditation, InLight Therapy, Herbalism, holistic health practices and much more! She also attended the Pranic Healing school and is trained in Level One Pranic Healing. In addition, she is an Independent Consultant for DoTerra and trained in AromaTouch Therapy.
Currently studying a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training, 25 hour Restorative Yoga Training and a 25 hour Ayurveda Certification Course program through Siddhi Yoga.
She was a participant in a Chicago mystery school for three years to further enhance her unique abilities as a 5th generation psychic medium, clairvoyant, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience, clairgustance, claircognizance and empathic medium.
Catherine is trained and experienced in depossession for the mind, body, soul and environments, offers house clearings and cleansings, which involves releasing any karmic ties/attachments and curses one may have from past life or present life connections one may have made consciously or unconsciously.
Catherine creates classes and trainings for her transpersonal spiritual school of studies program. All these events and requirements to participate, when available, are listed on the events page. If you are interested in having a special class for your group/party, reach out, as she does personalized lessons and classes to fit your and your group’s needs.

Services available with Cathy:
(by appointment ONLY)
Heart Centered Hypnotherapy
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Transpersonal Spiritual Hypnotherapy
Transpersonal Spiritual and Psychedelic Breathwork
Transpersonal Spiritual Coaching
Life Coaching
Gifted Guidance (coaching for gifted individuals-children and adults)
Soul Retrieval
Inner Child Healing
Regression Therapy
Dream Journeying and Analysis
Active Imagination
Sound Healing
Meditation and Guided Imagery
Womb Purification
Jungian Psych Tarot Readings and Sessions
Depossession (Remote Depossession also available)
Home Blessings/Cleansings and Clearings
Heart Fears Healing
Unconscious Death Urges Healing
Past Life Regression Therapy
Karmic Healing
Karmic Journeying
Birth Trauma Healing
Heart Seed Psychic readings
Soul Contract Readings
End of Life preparation (Spiritual and Clinical coaching)
Subtle Energy Cleansing/Pranic Healing/Reiki
Healing Touch
Intuitive Healing Touch
AromaTouch Technique
InLight Therapy (polychromatic light therapy)
Psychic Medium Readings
***Video sessions are available for most of the services listed***
***You can combine more than one style into your session based on your specific need***
*** Contact Cathy via email: ***
Pricing for sessions:
~ $125 per hour ~
~ Psychic Medium Readings (by appointment only) $25 per 15 minutes ~
~ Session Package deals: (paid upfront and in advance) 4 Sessions for $400 ($100 savings) ~
Please Note: Pricing for home depossesion, clearings and cleansings start at the time traveling to your location begins if you live more than 10 miles from Thee Tree House location and any outside work needed or requested, including research, communicating with outside authorities, consulting and coaching are separate fees from the services offered in home at time of rendering this service.
Shop Owner of Thee Tree House
Aleigha Gudat
In May of 2024, Aleigha received ownership of Thee Tree House from Mother/Founder Catherine Foytik. Aleigha has been a part of this space since the very first day of its grand opening in 2019.
With an active love and interest for holistic healing on a mind, body, soul level, she began spreading that inner knowledge outwards to assists others on their healing journeys. Her connection to her gifts and abilities allows her to take not only an educated but also intuitive approach to guiding others in exploring a variety of spiritual or holistic tools/options based on desired results and/or concerns.
Certified in Herbalism, Aleigha enjoys creating herbal infused products for the shop as well as suggesting ways to work with plant medicine. Finding a deep connection to natures remedies and its versatile uses.
Expanding her approach to holistic wellness, Aleigha began working with sound healing/frequencies to understand its resonance and its affects on a multifaceted level. One of her favorite ways of introducing this modality is through her twice a month sound bath offerings for the community.
Aleigha also received her certification in Usui Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Master/Teacher. Allowing her to perform energy work on herself, others, distance, as well as attuning others to receive the gift of Reiki. She began hosting monthly Reiki Circles for Practitioners and Reiki Faires for the Community shortly after her transition into ownership to bring more awareness to the benefits of this practice.
Her mission of bringing peace, alignment, and awareness to others seeking guidance has led her to taking on another path, Life Coaching. Empowering others to strengthen their life skills and reaching their full potential. She offers personalized sessions catering to the needs of clients’ intent for healing.
Customers have come to known her as the shops “Crystal Guru” for having an extensive amount of knowledge in crystal healing. Finding a way to intertwine the benefits of gemstones into a more connective experience, she began creating wire wrapped crystal jewelry, décor, and spiritual tools.
She also offers intuitive guidance readings and/or house cleansings for those seeking spiritual assistance. As well as providing resources to be able to empower others to do this for themselves.
With a variety of retail products, events, and services offered, her goal is to create a positive impact on her community by providing a safe and healing space for all.
“As you awaken to your divine nature, you’ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.” -Wayne Dyer

Services available with Aleigha:
Sound Healing:
Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses different frequencies to bring you into a deep meditative state while increasing self-healing. Today sound healing takes shape in many forms. Different types of sound healing include music and sound therapy, binaural beats, mantra and chanting, tuning forks, and singing bowls or other instruments. These tools help to not only assist you in letting go of your worries and sink deeply into a serene experience. But helps us to release blockages and maintain overall peace and harmony in our lives at the higher level.
Some benefits of sound healing:
Calms body and mind
Reduces stress and anxiety
Increases focus and clarity
Decreases tension and fatigue
Boosts mood and reduces feelings of anger
Improves sleep
Elevates feelings of spiritual well-being
Reiki Energy Healing:
Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an energy healing technique that allows the facilitator to channel down universal life force energies to administer through their palms and into the clients body to reduce stress and promote healing. This can be either a gentle hands on touch approach for the client, hovering or distance healing. A variety of tools may be included if felt necessary such as but not limited to; tuning forks, singing bowls, chimes, crystals, aromatherapy, etc.
Who could benefit from Reiki?
Anyone looking for a gentle and subtle approach to relieving physical, emotional, mental or spiritual blockages.
Some examples of this would be: insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, pain or discomfort, increasing energy flow within the body, expecting mothers during pregnancy and after, those transitioning into death, etc.
Life Coaching:
A life coach is someone who provides resources and advice for those seeking ways to strengthen their life skills and reaching their full potential. This can be greatly beneficial for those seeking direction and empowering ways to set goals, intentions, practices or transformative breakthroughs. They utilize interpersonal skills to learn more about each client and their history in order to provide them with an objective perspective on the steps necessary to take their personal or professional endeavors to the next level. Additionally they offer support, motivation, and accountability to do the work necessary to achieve their goals. Having a life coach could greatly benefit individuals through small and major life crises and transitions, helping them to thrive again.
Chakra Crystal Energy Healing:
Our chakras are spinning vortexes of subtle energy that relates to our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of well-being. When our chakras are functioning we live in a state of balance and harmony. Malfunctions of the chakras can cause mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual disturbances. Crystals have been used in ancient practices for their healing vibrations and properties. Many energy workers believe that the chakras can be healed by the interaction between the vibrations of crystals and energies of the body’s bio magnetic or subtle energy field. You will be given a basic overview of the chakras to bring awareness to this part of yourself as well as what it is you may feel is blocked for further understanding. This gives you the option to work on one specific chakra or all seven.
Handmade Crystal Jewelry & Spiritual Tools:
Give yourself or a loved one the gift of healing with custom made art.
Types of work provided:
Car Hangings
Key Chains
All work requires a $5-$10 deposit depending on amount of material needed
Pricing for services with Aleigha:
(By Appointment Only)
Sound Healing $30 for 30 Minutes with up to 90 Minutes $90
Reiki Energy Healing: $30 for 30 Minutes with up to 60 Minutes $60
Outdoor Nature Reiki Energy Healing: $35 for 30 Minutes with up to 90 Minutes $105
Life Coaching: Initial Intake/Assessment $88 for 90 Minutes
Life Coaching After Initial Intake/Assessment: $66 for 60 Minutes
**Package Deal for Life Coaching: Initial Intake/Assessment + 4 Sessions $270**
Crystal Energy Healing: $30 for 30 Minutes with up to 60 Minutes $60
House Cleansings/Blessings: $80 for 60 Minutes up to 90 Minutes $120
Intuitive Guidance Readings $20 for 15 Minutes with up to 60 Minutes $80
Handmade Jewelry or Spiritual Tools $15-$100
Contact Aleigha to set up your session today:
Phone: 440-558-2475
Valentine Volk, PMHNP-BC
Valentine is a Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner working with adults 18+ and specializes in anxiety, mood disorders, and ADHD and is currently accepting new patients for in-person and telehealth visits. Valentine is now accepting both self-pay patients and in-network insurances (call to verify if she accepts yours.) She is able to offer both psychiatric prescribing services as well as psychotherapy services. Valentine’s office is located at 7050 Engle Road, Suite E-15, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130.
Valentine practices through a holistic lens and fully believes in the mind-body-spirit connection. In addition to prescribing appropriate psychiatric medications, her style also incorporates alternative and holistic modalities. This includes but is not limited to biologically based treatments (such as herbal remedies and dietary supplements), mind-body techniques (e.g., paced breathing and meditation), nutrition, and stress management. I am incredibly supportive of other alternative options such as acupuncture, biofeedback, ketamine, and psychedelic therapy and frequently coordinate care with clients for those services as well. She seeks to treat the individual rather than just a specific diagnosis, providing care that is nonjudgmental, culturally and racially sensitive, and affirming of all gender and sexual identities. My goal is for you to feel safe and truly heard while we address your concerns. It can be difficult to ask for help and it’s a great step that you’re here reading this! I encourage you to reach out with any questions.
If you would like to set-up an intake assessment with Valentine, contact our office manager Marianna at 440-409-7373. Or follow this link to book with her:
Book an appointment by clicking here now!
Feel free to email Valentine directly with any further questions you may have:
Meet Mel:
Astrology & Tarot Readings
* * * see more info below * * *
Linda Cicero
I have always liked helping others to feel better since a young child. I also realized that I excelled at creating different forms of art and was very talented. My passion for creating art led me to focus on this as a young adult and then I earned my BFA, specializing in painting. I studied from a guru of Hatha Yoga while working on my BFA.
I earned my MA in Art Education. During my Master’s I studied drawing from a Tibetan Monk. Tibet has been practicing reiki(energy healing) for a few centuries. I decided to read a book about Tibetan healing and performed the practices in the book which truly inspired my Reike journey. Shortly after, I completed the First and Second Degrees and in 2003, the Master Reiki Practitioner Degree in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Reiki Natural Healing. I am recently a retired public school art teacher.
I have pursued studies in the metaphysical realm. I have continued holistic studies in Prana Vayus breath and energy flow, T'ai Chi, Qiong, Angel work for guidance, support and ascension.
As a Reiki Practitioner I utilize light and visions, crystals, essential oils and a singing bowl as needed.
I look forward to sharing reiki with people who feel drawn to this natural approach. Reiki is a safe, gentle and non-invasive session in a quiet room on a comfortable massage table wearing your comfortable clothes.
The flow of reiki life force energy allows the person beneficial effects such as stress reduction, relaxation, peace by balancing the body, mind, emotions and spirit as needed by the person.

Services available with Linda:
Reiki Session: 1st session 60 minute: $60
2nd session 45 minute: $65
Intuitive Card Readings: 30 minutes: $45
To schedule your appointment email or reach out to us at the shop!
Penny Schultz, LMT
Hi my name is Penny..Penelope, I have been an LMT for over 26 years I specialize in Lymph detox, deep tissue therapy, back and neck issues, along with Positional Release, relaxation massage, and other massage techniques.
I owned my own massage company for 13 years and I’m also a certified workers comp practitioner. With my experience as an LMT and the products available here it makes for a perfect team for restoration, relaxation, renewal, and detox, something we all can benefit from.
In the future, I have to put together some workshops, come and join us at THEE TREE HOUSE you will love the atmosphere and all of the things we have to offer.

Services available with Penny:
All services are $89 unless specified otherwise
Hot Stone or Bamboo Massage: 60 Minutes
Deep Tissue Massage: 60 Minutes
Relaxation Massage: 60 Minutes
Lymph Drainage: 60 Minutes
Back & Neck Massage: $55 for 30 Minutes
I also do fairy hair with tinsel 4 strands for $20. I put them in with beads. They seem to last a little bit longer.
For booking and more information email
David Hospodar Energetic Massotherapist
David is a graduate of the National Institute of Massotherapy.
His specialty is relaxation, stretching, and deep sports massage. Combining his ability to tune into his client’s energy to help assist them on their healing journey.
Skilled in energy work and having an increasing interested in becoming Reiki certified. David enjoys helping others experience and learn more about their own power and/or energy levels. As well as breathwork and meditative skills he wishes to utilize with people.
He also leads Rosary every Sunday at his nursing home, Legacy of North Royalton and would love to be of service for those looking for spiritual/religious assistance regarding cleansings and other events.

Services with David:
Relaxation Massage $50 for 60 Minutes
Sports Massage $50 for 60 Minutes
Email or call 440-655-4049 to book your appointment
Denise DiSalvo
Denise is a Reiki Master Practioner, Teacher, and Soul Awareness coach. She has studied and taught classes on "A Course In Miracles", The Inner Child Relationship, Journaling, and Self Love. She earned a Bachelor degree in Computer Science and a Master of Education in early childhood. She began her corporate career working as a computer systems professional in manufacturing, later transitioning to consultant and began teaching in the computer industry and then moved into education in the public school system. At the same time, she worked to deepen her knowledge, understanding and personal experiences, living as a Soul. She continues to teach from the heart. Denise believes we have all the Love we need within each of us and that it is our task to remove the blocks keeping it from our awareness. When we connect with the Love within we are able to genuinely transform our struggles and move forward and fulfill our hearts desire. That is why she is dedicated to guiding individuals to new possibilities in challenging situations.

Services with Denise:
Reiki Healing Sessions 40 minutes for $40
For more information or to schedule a session with Denise