Polychromatic Light Therapy

Many people with symptoms of pain, impaired circulation and energy blocks associated with the following conditions experience positive results from using polychromatic light therapy:
Joint pain: neck, back, knuckles, elbow, knee, wrist
Inflammation and swelling
Bone fractures
Non-healing wounds
Peripheral neuropathy
Tight muscles
Mood Disorders
Skin conditions
Spiritual blocks
Chakra energy blocks
The more we understand the value of increasing circulation to our tissues, the easier it is to understand how and why low-level polychromatic light therapy supports the body’s innate healing processes regardless of the condition. And, why Polychromatic Light Therapy (PLT) provides a wealth of additional health benefits that support full-body wellness.
Legally marketed as a Class II Medical Device under FDA indications for use to temporarily relieve minor pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms; and to temporarily increase local blood circulation. Clients choose InLight PLT for its convenience, value, drug-free, and non-invasive healing properties.
What is Polychromatic Light Therapy?
Polychromatic light therapy (PLT) is the simultaneous use of two or more wavelengths of light (color) provided by light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Researchers call the biological effects of PLT photobiomodulation (PBM). PLT delivered via light-emitting diodes at various wavelengths penetrates tissue to different depths and is naturally absorbed by the cells to assist in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy required for cell repair and regeneration. Researchers hypothesize the unique benefit of polychromatic light is the synergistic effect of infrared (IR) with either blue or red allowing both colors to penetrate tissue more deeply than in a monochromatic application. PLT energy application also facilitates the release of nitric oxide, supporting the body with improved circulation. Improved circulation (blood flow) is one of the most vital components of the healing process.
Light, whether from the sun or from technology, is absorbed by the skin and triggers beneficial biological changes at the cellular level. These changes are unique to PBM, that is, unmatched by any other medical intervention. Inlight’s PLT therapy pad designs allow you to target the area of concern. PLT LED light energy is a valuable tool in restoring and improving health and vitality.
What is Photobiomodulation?
The key to understanding how polychromatic light therapy works is called photobiomodulation.
Every mammalian cell is built with specialized photo acceptors to receive light. Our cells actually require light for the optimal function which means our bodies need light for optimal health. The body understands pulsed light as an instruction set triggering the release of nitric oxide and signaling the cell to produce anti-inflammatory and restorative proteins. Most notably, the Noble Prize-winning signaling molecule nitric oxide is released with PLT.
PLT is delivered via pulsed frequencies. These pulsed rates are another important instruction set used by the body to stimulate its self-healing processes. InLight Therapy PLT systems deliver the healing benefits of polychromatic light using their Progressive Multi-Pulse™ technology.
PLT triggers the release of nitric oxide which increases circulation to relieve pain and stimulates the body’s innate healing processes.
How does it work?
Light is an essential nutrient of life. Using the sun’s light as therapy dates back thousands of years. Modern science has evolved the engineered delivery of the beneficial wavelengths (colors) of the sun’s light into low-level light therapy (LLLT) technology.
Thirty years (and counting) in the manufacturing of LLLT devices, Inlight Therapy products are the state-of-the-art outcome of this evolution uniquely designed as polychromatic light-emitting diodes technology (PLT) with Progressive Multi-Pulse™ delivery. Polychromatic light therapy is a unique therapy that harnesses the powers of near-infrared light. Unlike normal blue, red or yellow light, near-infrared (also known as NIR) light is invisible to the human eye. It emits special wavelengths of light energy that dramatically increase circulation to areas of chronic pain. The NIR light has been reported to dilate blood vessels at the site of treatment. The result tends to be a more rapid relief of discomfort, improvement in sensation, and regeneration of damaged tissues.
Inlight’s proprietary Progressive Multi-Pulse™ technology delivers different wavelengths of light in varied pulsed rates. Legally marketed as an FDA Class II Medical Device, it is confirmed that the application of Inlight’s flexible neoprene therapy pads laden with polychromatic LED combinations of red, blue, and near-infrared diodes directly onto the skin introduces the benefits directly to the body parts through skin response.
“Photobiomodulation” (PBM) is the newly established (2016) Medical Science Heading (MeSH keyword) used by the National Institute of Health published research database to describe this emerging science. “PHOTO” means light. “BIO” means living tissue. “MODULATION” means change. PLT initiates the photobiomodulation process which releases nitric oxide – gently increasing circulation (blood flow) throughout the body delivering vital nutrients. Evidence demonstrates photobiomodulation signals damaged cells to begin their repair processes. This mechanism of action is a photo-chemical response, not a heat/thermal response, therefore the tissue is safe from thermal damage making the Inlight Therapy systems both safe and effective for home use.
Light energy is not only essential to life, it provides powerful support to the body’s natural healing processes. Polychromatic LED light energy, delivered via light-emitting diodes at various wavelengths, penetrates tissue at different depths and is naturally absorbed by the cells to assist in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy required for cell repair and regeneration. PLT energy application also facilitates the release of nitric oxide supporting the body with improved circulation. Improved circulation (blood flow) is one of the most vital components of the healing process. LED light energy is a valuable tool to utilize for health, wellness, and vitality.
Light Therapy Animation:
Session Pricing (by appointment only): $25/20 minutes; $50/40 minutes; $75/60 minutes
To book a session contact Cathy Foytik directly via email: cathyfoytik@gmail.com
~ OR ~
leave a voice message at the shop @ 440-558-2475
***Please note: Appointments are only available during the day (Monday-Thursday) between 9AM and 4PM.***